January visit to Texarkana & Hooks, Texas. Click on the picture for more!

Dan, Sonjay Dutt (visiting PCW from TNA) and Jake - February 12, 2005

Eric asked Sonjay Dutt for one too many autographs -February 12, 2005

Valentine's Day weekend -February 12, 2005

Ready for Smackdown, February 12, 2005; Kraftie, David, Tasha, Eric (in front), Trista, Jake, Jon, Blue, Dan and Steffie 

Kraftie, David, Tasha, Eric (in front), Trista, Jake, Jon, Blue, Dan and Steffie

Me, Leonard, Mom, Pete and Bob. My brothers and me on Mother's Day, 2005

My birthday cake

Me holding the cake

Me and Janet

Steffie Mae's birthday cake(s)

July 16, 2005 -Celebrating Steffie Mae's birthday one day late - David, Eric, Dan, Kyle, Trista, Jake, Jon, Blue, Tasha, Emily, Janet and Steffie Mae

 Blue's Birthday Cake

 A view of the decorations

Click the picture to go to Janet's 40th Birthday Party, August 28, 2005


Minden Rally. Click on the picture for more!


Texas Christmas. Click on the picture for more!


Click for Hinton, Iowa Forecast


Last update: 08/30/2013 14:52